Birthday Bliss

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY WISHES. When I have scraped the snow off the cottage windows and dusted down the clematis on the walls, when I have walked Jackson and eaten the bestest ever shoulder of lamb infused with Indian spices, when I have taken freshly brewed coffee with the old man and two … Read more

OK Thursday

OK Thursday is the day before Good Friday.
It is cold, wet and completely unspring like.
This morning I had to wear my gloves when I was running.
Little black things they are, which grow when you put your fingers in.
I had my keys in one hand and my clock in the other all clutched neatly in my palm as I ran past the river..

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Sugar and Spice and all things nice

For those of you who heard Steve Allen go on about my blood sugar level,let me tell you that the idea of taking drugs is beyond the pale.
I have taken myself in hand and cut out every bit of sugar I can find.
All raw food till I can stabilise my body.
An egg here a bit of mackeral there.
Lots of water and loads of proper suppliments.
The whole sugar thing started with my father and ended with my medical last week.

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luna eclipse

Oh! the last three days have been a nightmare.
What with the Lunar eclipse, blood sugar levels and tears from the young women in my life to cap it all my telephone went down, the computer stopped working so I’ve been living in the dark ages.
And then today the man from BT came and mended the box outside the flat.
By noon we were back in the land of the living. What did Eloise and Abelard do without their internet?

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Ivory Glowerers

And so the days turn into night and the heron stands on one leg.
Not haiku poetry, or a portent but the reality of my life.
I get up.
I meditate.
I run.
I wash.
I drive.
I talk for 3 hours.
I drive.
I eat.
I write.
I sleep.

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Ah! Fresh bed Lenin

It’s nearly midnight and I have done as much today as a crofter in Orkney does in a week – not that I would know what a crofter does -i’m being metaphorical or is it physical? Anyway after an interminable drive up from Sussex, I arrived at LBC half-an-hour late, due to an incident in … Read more


Having a whole weekend with the old man, and not having to think about writing anything, or reading anything, was like going away for a month to the Maldives with only a sarong on my mind.
We slept in, we went to the vet….
Jackson is old but still spirted. I am now in receipt of an address for a hyrdrotherapy pool, an acupuncturist and a vets bill that is bigger than the GNP of Bhutan.
We bought CD’s, we had a coffee out, we shared a cranberry flap-jack, we bought all the newspapers, including the shiny ones with celebrities on the front cover.
Jim played his guitar whilst I sat in front of a blazing fire with David Niven’s autobiography.
We watched ‘Letters to Iow Jima’ , having eaten a splendid little curry, then fell into bed very late and satisfied.

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Thank you for your well wishes. I am back tomorrow. I’ve rested up today because I had to go to the launch of THE LANE, Collin Browns new restaurant in Osbourne Street. It was a real swanky affair. My head hurt and my neck caned but Collin would have been gutted if I had stayed … Read more

Post Boat Spin

Spurs win 5-1 and I’ve taken to my bed. I awoke this morning with post-boat spin, nausea. I felt like I was going to die. Jim Davies is ‘me’ for a day, I hope I’m up for it tomorrow. Jackson is fine, although I don’t see enough of him. Gae, my wonder-woman, is doing it … Read more