The river was up today grey and swirling. My mood was a bit like the river. My printer had broken down and so had my patience.
I had a shower, got dressed then Jim and I bussed it into Piccadilly.
There was a screening at BAFTA for the new John Cusack film ‘GRACE HAS GONE’.
Watching any film at 195 Piccadilly is always a pleasure.
The seats are good , the sound perfect and the audience committed.
To become a member of BAFTA you have to be nominated, seconded and then wait, fingers crossed, to see if you’ve been accepted.
When I was sent my BAFTA card, with my own number I whooped with joy.
An encrypted video player is provided then all the years films arrive in the post. Day after day another encrypted CD pops through the letter box, it’s really excitng.
Christmas and New Year are then spent watching loads of films. Bliss.
It was always my dream to be able to watch films all day, every day and then work in them. As a student I would go to all nighters in Baker Street, take a packed lunch and sit through all the Roman Polansky films, or festivals of French movies, or happy horror hour.
Now I go to posh screenings at BAFTA, or in the West End or in Soho . I am as happy as a rhino in mud.
From Beer to BAFTA
Sometimes my days are so full I forget myself.
Today was such a day.
It started out with a blitz of the flat,
a call on the phone,
a write of the diary,
a call on the phone,
a meditate,
an email check,
a wash of the bod,
returns of the mail,
a call on the phone,
an application of lippy,
a booking of the congestion charge,
and then
A day in the life of a superstar……..
Hooveringironingwashing shoppingcookingsweeping shoutinglaughingcrying writingthinkingscreaming walkingdrivingrunning scrubbingdustingsweeping talkinglisteningwatching fightingcleaningweeping packingloadingspending moaningyawningsweeping moppingscrubbingeating bathingreadingsleeping zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Goosey Goosey Gander
Today Jackson was 13 years of age. Jim and I sang him Happy Birthday.
He ‘herrumphed’ a thank you, a kind of breathy neigh. I called up B, she shouted out Happy Birthday – he barked his thanks. I called Zoe, who sung Happy Birthday down the line from Brighton, Jackson barked his approval. I called up my mother who, very excitedly, sung a jolly Happy Birthday accompanying herself on her organ in Hertfordshire, Jackson was thrilled and sung along. I called up Hanna who sung Happy Birthday with Giles, our continuing son-in-law, but by this time Jackson had had enough, he abjectly refused to respond. No amount of coaxing from me would make him talk – ewuff was ewuff.
So we walked up the hill very slowly, the old boy in command, when we arrived home I gave him a dog chew, the 91 year old flopped down on his bed and went to sleep.
The perfect day.
Pensive Ponderings
What a funny time this is.
The BBC slashing so many jobs.
Perer Fincham resigning.
ITV being accused of fraud.
Im working in an industry which is tearing itself apart.
Fewer and fewer people are able to find work, more and more of my kind are finding it impossible to make ends meet.
Names that wouldn’t be seen dead on a soap are being written into Corrie to keep a roof over their heads. Not that I have anything against Corrie, I don’t I love it, but back in the day working a Soap spelt the end of a serious career.
Acting chums are working for peanuts.
Out of work producers are selling perfume and renowned creatives are on permanent gardening leave.
It aint ‘alf ‘ard to remain positive
Other people eat to live……
‘The Frieze Art Fair’ in Regents Park, was full of arty collectors, rich gallery owners, Richard E Grant and poseurs. Some of the work was good; I particulalry liked Evan Penny’s bald man and Pam Ferris lookalike.
They hung on the wall, as big as a Fresian Cow. The detail of their skin and hair, eyes and lips was uncanny.
But, there was too much art, too much noise, too much competition. If this is the way we sell our young artists I fear for their creativity. There was no time for reflection, it felt like a cattle market.
One young Russian was drawing lines on a laughing monkey with a silver pen. He had flown in from the Mother Country and was completing his piece de resistance before our very eyes – a sort of Slavic Rolf Harris.
The Plimsoll Line
Jim and I took Jackson for a walk. We met a little Staffordshire terrior who was 16, three pugs who were not, a woman from Halifax, a lady from Leeds and a ream of runners. Then when we got to the church I walked down as far as I could to the edge of the … Read more
Pearl before swine
We have a shed in our garden, it’s called ‘Le Shed’. One half is my writing shrine the other is where music gets written. Jim has a shed, it’s called ‘His Shed’. We have another shed in the garden full of cobwebs, gardening tools and mouse nibbled seed packets, it’s not called anything.
I bought a book, sometime back, about men and their sheds and gave it to Jim as a gift. All the photos were of men proudly showing off their sheds.
Interesting that men like to have a little hidey hole they can hide in. We women make do and mend! (“That’s b****x!” says the old man, “women have houses.”)
Jim is no exception. His hidey hole smells of wood and french polish. It’s jam-packed with boys bumph, peanuts for the birds, somebody elses drum kit, a television that takes obsolete vhs tapes, an old vacuum cleaner and a desk with picture restoring equipment scattered over it. Jim can do anything as long as he has a bit of this, a scrap of that and some wood glue.
The reason I mention this is because of Paolo Proto the producer of ‘Food Poker’. Half way between our final voice over session for the final show Paolo excused himself to take a very important call.
Dear Colin, me YAK?! I’ve never yakked in my life – talked the hind legs off a donkey, now that’s different.
And dear Janey B, if it ain’t the foxes running amok it’s the geese that are giving you goose flesh. What swine they are, okay, what web-footed migratory birds they are. Have you thought of abandoning the rural idyll and setting up home in the grimy smoke stacks of Attercliff?
No? I thought not.
I’m sleepy and it’s only 15.00 hours.
The rain is teeming down, the heating is on, my Thai lunch is lying heavily on my conscience, not to mention my waistband, and Jim has just left for the country.
His term of duty at the Globe is at an end, I complete Food Poker tomorrow, and with the trust that all free-lance performers have in the God of Luvviedom, I await whatever the Universe sends to me.
I’m sleepy because the clouds have dampened all sound, I can’t hear the sirens, seagulls or scooters so after the curtain man has been, which he’s threatened to do since January, I am going to put my feet up, finish my book, and maybe catch a few zzzz’s.
lov letters
Tonight we went and had a meal in a Nepalese Restaurant. The owners name is LOV. Lov is a luv. night night.