Peace One Day

Today is Peace One Day, and so it’s time to make peace. It has been made clear to me, 30 minutes ago, that many of you were jumping to the wrong conclusion. LBC have been very kind to me over the last three and a half years and I don’t want any of you to … Read more

Finchley Road

Walked through Battersea Park this morning, the air was as crisp as a newly baked roll. The sky peeked through the sycamore trees and I felt energised. It was like walking through Prospect Park West in Brooklyn.
Got to work in time for a chat and a cuppa, did the show then set off to North London for a healing from Seka Nikolic.

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To Thaw the frozen Lakes Again…..

Bringing up baby, Dementia and Bodies. All the subjects were linked in some way. How we bring up our children, how we treat our bodies and the alienation we feel towards our very own flesh and blood . Suzie Orbach, Fiona Phillips and Matt Brown were just three of my guests today. They were all … Read more


And so its Wednesday already. I am writing this in bed on my tiny little laptop.It’s nearly the top of the hour, the weather forecast tells us that its coooler and fresher, a chilly night tonight, it feels like Autumn is upon us. The Green shoots of recovery have bypassed me, if there are green … Read more

Bucket Bag Lady

Dear Brighton Belles, so you want more puns in South Africa eh?
Well I’ll do my very wildebest – is that good enough?
Andy, I am not publishing your comment about me and scaremongering and the MMR debate because reading between your lines you want to start a fight and I’m not interested in having a nasty verbal spat with you. If you want to talk to me then do it respectfully or not at all. If you can’t tell the difference between real debate and argumentative sniping I suggest you go and ask somebody clever like Stephen Fry to teach you how to do it….
To Marmite and all my old bloggers it’s lovely that you are still bothering, to my new bloggers – well here goes:

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enough already

I was exonerated over the MMR jab. Now I’m receiving abusive emails from people who are rudely accusing me of dodging the bullets. Having been taken out to dinner by a celebrity scientist and then royaly shafted over my gulls eggs I have decided not to have anything to do with cruel people who hide … Read more

Honey I shrunk my brain

Jim put his ukelele on the roof of his car and drove off. it’s in a car park somewhere in Hornchurch. B has just been evicted from her house. She starts her new life on June 4th with a pile of trainers, a lap top and no known address. I had dinner last night with … Read more

Oldie Times

I was so excited yesterday, not so much because I was 60 but because it was my birthday.
I have to admit that the day before, on the 23rd, the realisation that I was turning old hit me like a demolition ball.
I don’t know what it means to be sixty only that it felt like it had to be honoured.

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Brits and me

i am writing this on my tiny little lap-top that the old man bought and set up for me. I feel like I’m Japanese. I’m sitting in the cottage kitchen, Jim’s winding up his clockwork torch and I’m all yelled out from watching the BRITS. Much too old for screaming youth, although I do like … Read more


To all of you that have blogged with me, listened to me, watched, and helped me over 2008 have a wonderful New Yea. May the best of 2008 be the worst of 2009. There wil be tails to tell and I will after I’ve finished this delicious fizzy shiraz…. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL.