Whale won

Hello all, it feels like life is on the move again.
This morning I fitted in all my crancological needs including making a large pot of porridge with cinnamon and healthy sweetener.
The car arrived a little late but this week I wasn’t too concerned.
I decided on a dress I bought from ROLANDAS’ in Battersea Square. That Shirley really knows her stuff. Things that I think look odd don’t! Shirley gets me and my body….Even the make up artist at LWT wanted her address, when the makeup girls want your clothes you know you’re on a winner..
We sat in traffic for ages then pulled up outside ‘This Morning’ just in time to be met by young Martin.
Either they are getting younger and younger or I’m getting older and older? Please dont answer that.

James Whale was my opponent. It was so good to see him. Dear Whale. He didn’t contact me when I was dismissed because a producer had told him I didn’t want to talk to any body. Doesn’t sound like me does it?
When he asked the boss why I had left he was told that I had had enough and had just walked.
That particularly tricky boss is no more so I can now say that I did not elect to go. I loved being at LBC. He jettisoned me for whatever his reasons were, which are still unclear to this day.
The Whale and I talked over coffe and camomile until we were summoned to sit on the settee with Jenni and Phil.
New format. A debate. You, the audience voted on our speeches which were off the cuff I may add.
I won the first topic about Arnie Naughtynegger and infidielity. The Whale won the next two about The Queen saying sorry to the Irish and whether rapists should remain anonymous. You already know my position on both those stories but his barometer went up and mine didn’t.
Boo hoo;.
I’ll be back.
I think me and him should work together, he thinks so to. The Barry came up with a notion so simple VENUS & MARS, and that’s not about lady shavers and chocolate.
Lets do some thinking eh?
Put my pj’s on the moment I walked into the flat, I had two days before I needed to do anything in London so packed up a bag and left for East Sussex.
Collected the daughter on the way and we burst into the stillness of the old gits writing.
I then had to do what women do which is water the nearly dead indoor plants, clean the nearly dead lavatory, wash the towels that practically walked out of the bathroom and fill the completely dead larder…when the old git gets going everything, apart from the carafes, stay empty.
It’s now 8.00 and I am absolutely delighted to be home. He’s cut the clematis on the cottage wall, but the purple rhododendrans have all blossomed. Two weeks early. Caught them just in time.
B is making supper, Jim is writing and I am preparing myself for the ‘Apprentice’. I don’t know why I watch it the youngsters and their work ethic is selfish and mean. everything I hate BUT…..
I’ll be sitting in a big comfy armchair, the ‘oosbind will be at my feet in the bean bag and the daughter will be writing upstairs.
So all finally feels level again in my world. I hope it is in yours too.

7 thoughts on “Whale won”

  1. Jeni
    Caro Emerald’s website (www.caroemerald.com) suggests she is coming to London tomorrow.
    I reckon she would interview well with you.

  2. Jeni, I just watched your debate with the whale online. You looked absolutely gorgeous!Your points were valid in my opinion although u lost. Never mind, the hug at the end showed just how much u were enjoying yourself!

  3. OH yes, Caro Emerald – fabulous!
    JENI your previously occupied chair at Lbc reminds of Graham Norton’s ‘hot seat’ where the guest is jettisoned out by a large gear stick. And the crime it would seem – being female! Lbc is almost entirely male dominated and ridiculously out of balance as result.
    I recall another very talented radio broadcaster, Carol McGiffin – gone in a flash with much the same lack of respect and due praise. And her idea of the ‘Travel Clinic’ pinched of her in the process. With too many cocks and not enough hens, there is bound to be a complete phallus in the camp somewhere.
    It’s a scenario that seems to occur everywhere and it’s tiresome.
    I suppose some lights are just too bright for the delicate ego of a few weak souls who are inherently fearful of the truth – that a woman’s mind and intellect is as potent and as powerful as any man’s.
    Love and Light LV

  4. Ah Jen, the truth always outs as they say : )
    Well I keep missing your TV appearances. Damn.
    You sound like your old self again, no, I mean, like your younger more confident self again.
    Tisha and Dardar

  5. What a beautiful blog Jeni wonderful to hear you so upbeat. Love to all xxhugxx

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