The End of November

Reality telly is killing me. I watched ‘Strictly Come Mincing’, ‘Z’ Factor, Jungle capers then re-logged the fire so I could stay up and watch ‘DESPICABLE ME.
My first Bafta film of the year. I loved it.
B, the old git and myself were in Brighton on Saturday Night eating , drinking and celebrating the middle daughters birthday.
The heater was ailing in the Jacmobile so I travelled with a huge knitted blanket over my knees.

My car has gone into the garage for two new somethings to do with springs and coils.
I backed up on the pavement at Clapham Junction and also wracked up two punctures.
Jim is at home…ordering dehumidifiers for B’s flat which is damp and freezing, the boiler blew up this evening just to add insult to injury, because its not a fancy estate and she is young, the landlady and council are about as helpful as a call centre in Phucket.
He is also ordering booze for the Festive Season,which the way this year is panning out will be much needed by everybody,including me and I cant drink….
I have just made myself chicken soup, it will be ready by 10.30 tonight, trying to heal my chest.
I am going to write this evening, catch up on my journals – I haven’t opened them since last week that’s how lax I have been – watch the News then burn an effigy of anybody in the coalition who has irked me recently.
Take your pick,I hear you cry….
I have a lavender pillow on my neck to keep one end warm and thick furry sox to keep the other end toasty, a plate of bubbling broth will heat the middle.
I’ve yet to find a rhythm for my walking, but it will come. It will come…
Right that’s it, I’m off to do some work after I’ve taken a sneaky peek at Dom Joly, a tiny glance at Corrie, and an inadvisable 5 minutes with ‘Panorama’. Costa Rica where are you now?
Stay warm and have a good night.

3 thoughts on “The End of November”

  1. WELL, all’s i can say is, so it’s not just me taking it from a great height right now!!—I don’t drink either, but Rhianon might just have to pour me a glass of the Irish!
    May the Angels bring warmth and good news before we all freeze our butts off waiting for buses trains and automobiles. It’s mad mad world. Rhianon make it a double!!
    Love and Light,

  2. Jeni you never did tell us whether or not Jim got the part ! Car trouble tell me about it ours went to the great scrapheap in the sky last week, so hubby now has a new second hand model he is thrilled with. About time B moved from that damp place you call a flat into something healthier, difficult when you love an area but hate the accomodation. Snug up keep warm xxhugxx

  3. Hi dear Jeni,
    Love your upbeat blogs and great to see you’re getting on with life.
    Did ‘our’ medicine heal your chest?! I’m sure it did!
    I don’t blame u with your opinion about ‘Strictly’ or ‘I’m a celeb’, but ‘Z’factor?! I agree there’s not much talent there, but Matt is amazing. You’ve got to like his unique voice and he seems to be a lovely guy.
    Looking forward to the day u will reveal to all what your future plans are! Keep us informed dear.
    Hope you’re still exercising, ’cause that’s the key to your physical and spiritual health girl!
    All my love,
    Dear ‘L’

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