Flat Out

The Delicious Miss DAHL is dribbling on in the background.
My birthday roses are faded and papery, Battersea is dark and quiet, and my journals need writing up.
This Easter has been big and fond, family and fun. We played a game round the kitchen table and three of us nearly watered the flagstones.
We had a dog visitor so nine of us went on a walk in the Ashdown Forest, I didn’t ‘alf miss Jackson.
From roast chicken to smoked salmon, the fridge was so overloaded Jim’s beer had to be put out with the garden gnomes.

Big Easter Sunday roast, Bank holiday Monday breakfast to match, a lot of eating and chatting, the dishwasher didn’t know what had hit it….
I miss my cottage, most of the daffs are out and the primroses are taking over the garden.
The two dust bins have completely changed my relationship to rubbish, everything I touched had to be held up and checked. I now know what bad plastic is, only if Jim isn’t around I shall be telephoning him to check my land fill from my road kill.
Whilst at home in TWells I’ve been to the hairdresser, osteopath, dentist and beautician, so I am a new woman, a lot poorer, but definitely a new woman. But I am also de-toxing so I feel like a new woman with all the symptoms of a de-tox, heady, knackered, and very wooly so I am now going to bed. I will write up the last three days, finish reading LINDA KELSEYS new book, she’s on the show tomorrow so I have to do my homework, and hopefully go to sleep.
The next four weeks will be electioneering and comment. Please tune in I think LBC will be very entertaining, not me particularly, but I think the blokes will have a field day with their political analysis.
I haven’t clue who will get in, but I do think we need a change of direction. Community and heart as opposed to greed and selfishness.
Let the debate begin………

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