Och aye the noo.

As you would expect, one day away from LBC and I’ve come down with whatever the nasty viral thing is. Headache, stomach, blocked nose. But I’ve been to the huge supermarket in Boreham Wood and bought provisions for our trip to Scotland.
It cost more than four tickets to Waverly station and back.
Why was I in Boreham Wood at all?
Well I did The Radlett Gig last night and, in all the rush, left all my props on the stage.
An alarm clock, a hammer, a bottle of Dettol, all my notes and a pair of shoes from 1962.
So I drove from the flat to collect the box from my mothers.

I showed my mother the photograph of THE RADLETT CENTRE, AN AUDIENCE WITH JENI BARNETT, up in red neon lights, on the front of the building. In my haste to delete a photograph of something else I deleted the picture of my one claim to fame. My name in lights on Broadway – Radlett Broadway.
I shall never get it back. Will I ever have my name up in lights again? I doubt it, at my age, I’m lucky to have my name up in arms as Wandsworth Town Hall where I apply for my Freedom Pass.
The show hangs over me, I was stopped in the supermarket by an audience member. She looked like she didn’t have a funny bone in her body so it was gratifying when she told me it made her laugh.
Jim and my agent were of one mind. There were brilliant bits and bad bits. The brilliant bits were few and far between – much too far between. So after Scotland I shall continue with the book, take an Easter break and then crack on with writing a proper show. Lots of lovely emails and calls, thank you again for your support.
I am going to have a lie down so that I have the energy to pack the pic-nic hamper.
Then its a hey hey and a nonny no and off to Bonnie Thistleland.
och aye the noo.

2 thoughts on “Och aye the noo.”

  1. MA & PA Kettle, complete with flask & spam sarni’s take to the road.
    Scotland beware……
    Nessie is returning after her time by the Thames

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