To Beard or not to Beard

The ‘oosbind of thirty odd years left for Warwickshire this morning.
He took a bag of clothes, a basket of wine bottles and his lap top. He left at 9.30 and gave me a perfunctory scratch with his Royale. Thats the little tiny rock ‘n’ roll beard that aging rock ‘n’ rollers have. A kind of simplistic vanity for old gits. The facial furniture adopted by so many men reflects there relationship to their manhood, like the trident missile it’s a perfect deterrent, never used and almost certainly obsolete. In my husbands case his Royale is perfectly pruned and tended and gets ever longer by the day thus becoming a ‘Chin Shrub’.
To beard or not to beard that is the perennial question.
My ligament is still hurting in my left ankle, all walking is out of the question until after Wednesday.
So it was the bus and tube again.
I miss my ramble through the park and over the bridges.
I went to see THE CARETAKER last night. By golly but Johnathan Price is sensational. If you sat next to me you will have noticed my head snap back and forwards. I was snoozing, not out of boredom, but because I had driven up from Sussex at 6.33a.m.

I had the delightful company of the Northern partner who also loved the show. We sat in row ‘E’ between two other aging couples. No arm rests between the seats meant we all ended up touching each other on the thighs, arms, hands, knees and the occasional boompserdaisy.
It was so cold I could hardly speak on the way to the car which we parked by the Sherlock Holmes Pub off Northumberland avenue. A find indeed, single yellow lines and not a meter maid in sight.
Today I talked about Nuclear Power, Wills and Gap Years. Jim texted me in the middle of the show to say he had got to Warwickshire and that he was bored whilst they set up the show for their first night tonight, they are all staying together somewhere in the Warwickshire countryside, that wine will come in useful then.
This evening I emailed everybody to go to:
to listen to my audio book ALL BY MOUTH. I had my producer standing over me so there was no time for modesty. Please have a listen the more people who read it the sooner it gets on the itunes hit parade.
Whilst we’re at the self publicity don’t forget the RADLETT CENTRE on MARCH 21st for another audience WITH YOURS TRULY. I hope you can make it.
The Radlett Centre
1 Aldenham Avenue
Box Office: 01923 859291
Administration: 01923 857546
Fax: 01923 857592
Email: [email protected]
Right now I’m off to bed, all on my own, a big 6 footer to myself – and I don’t mean Jeff Bridges.

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