Ben Dearnley

Tonight B and I went to see her best friends project in Mayfair. It may sound grand, well it was actually, but they arn’t
It’s a wonderful set of sculptors by BEN DEARNLEY. Sportsmen and women that he has cast in bronze and marble. The torsos of Ade Adepitan, Christiner Ohuruogu, Marc Foster and Debbie Flood, to name a few.
They are beautiful, tactile, and utterly modern although it feels like Ancient Greek athletes have entered the room.
I want to get Ben on the show so that he can talk about his dreamn of having an avenue of Champions for 2012, all money would go to Sports Aid. i love the bloke, he’s gentle, caring and supportive of young talent like Hayes, who took the photos for the brochure.
45 Albermarle Street, in the Belgravia Gallery, is your destination if you want to see his superb ‘bodies’ of work.
Hayes, B’s best friend, was there with his delightful parents. I looked at my baby and hayes, they’re known each other since they were 2 and a half, standing in the middle of expensive suits and I thought how well they stood in themselves.
By Golly but life passes so quickly, it was only yesterday that they were running round Eridge Village hall at Little Acorns Nursery, eating out of their lunch boxes and messing about with the toys whilst observing a tortoise walk across the floor. Now he’s just finished a zoology degree at Bristol Universoty, she’s just ended three years at Goldsmiths, he’s playing sax in a band, she’s writing songs, between them they have more talent than is good for them.
Me, well I’m ready for bed, literally and metaphorically, but that’s okay, when I go I’ll go like Elsie.

1 thought on “Ben Dearnley”

  1. I’d love to come in and have a chat about life, the universe and …..sculpture (everything). Happy you enjoyed the works and it was a great night with the athletes being there, for the first time next to their sculptures. The show runs until the 22nd June.

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