Oldie Times

I was so excited yesterday, not so much because I was 60 but because it was my birthday.
I have to admit that the day before, on the 23rd, the realisation that I was turning old hit me like a demolition ball.
I don’t know what it means to be sixty only that it felt like it had to be honoured.

I walked into LBC. The cold sun shone.
My mobile didn’t stop ringing, which was nice.
I chatted up a man carrying a ladder, flirting and making sure that he didn’t think I was 60 – which he didn’t.
By the time I got to Leicester Square I swear I thought I had to have a hip replacement, my thoughts worrying at me about the onset of infirmity, the old git says that’s normal.
I bought a cake from my new favourite coffee shop The Fiori on the corner of the square.
All fruit and a massive unctious cheese and biscuit base.
The office had prepared for the day by buying me a huge bunch of flowers and a card signed by all the young things. Boss, Johnathan Richards, who shares my birthday, took the day off. Matt Schofield who also shares our birthday didn’t. So we two stuffed our faces with the rich cake took the applause and set about making a show.
So many of you texted, emailed and phoned in with filicitations it couldn’t have been better. One caller asked what my problem was that I needed so much affirmation, no problem love, just wallowing in total self-indulgence…
LBC gave me car to get back to the flat. I nearly shouted at the Macedonian driver who was a miserable sod, but I let his negativity wash over me and arrived with fifteen minutes to spare before Jim took me to the acupuncturist.
The ‘Oosbind had brought up all my cards from home and hung a ’60’ year birthday bunting across the french windows. It was lovely. The flat now looks like a funeral home with more flowers than Interflora and cards everywhere and that’s before the party on Saturday night, we’re expecting over a hundred people if health and weather hold.
My acupuncturist stuck needles all over my face to keep my chins up and gave me four needles for my destiny…..according to my astrological friends I am in my solar return. Everything that happened sixty years will come round again. Does that mean I shall be peeing my pants – probably.It’s the Chinese ‘Year of the Ox’, I am an earthy ox which means even though I am the slowest of them all I am the surest. Also, as far as I can tell, credit crunch or no credit crunch I shall get what I want with hard work and diligence. Bearing in mind that the art of getting what you want is knowing what you want in the first place which, in my case, is still a work in progress.
Jim collected me, Bee and Nathan turned up, Shakeel arrived with my new out-fit for Croydon and then off we went to Nancy Lams for supper.
Very low key and lovely. The young folk went before us, we stayed and chatted to Nancy, then it was back to the ranch.
Jim and I sat on the edge of the settee as I opened up cards and gifts. They all touched me. The quilt from Canada, the jar of Marmite with the silver top and knife, the Swedish horse, the clutch bag covered in sequins, sunflower seeds and a wonderful painting of a girl in dungarees from a paraplegic relative of a girl friend. The beautiful, red watercolour had been painted by her cousin by holding the brush in his mouth.
By the time I had dealt with yet more e-mails is was bedtime. I fell asleep mid sentence but isn’t that to be expected from an old fart?
The oven man is scrubbing my oven in readyness for the weekend, the old git is asleep in bed, I have just over an hour before I walk into town, do a show then set about sorting Croydon.
Do I feel anti-climactic? I won’t feel anything until after Thursday nights gig, then when the pressures off I shall relax into realising that I am an old age pensioner with a free travel pass if I can find out where to get one……….

12 thoughts on “Oldie Times”

  1. Hi Jeni,
    Had a few problems with my PC!
    A little late but, A very happy 60th Birthday, I hope you and all your friends and family have a fantastic party on Saturday. Hope all goes well on Thursday evening too!
    Finally, a great big thanks from me, for all the funny, creative, clever, very honest, moving and thought provoking blogs you’ve written.
    Many happy returns to you Jeni and God bless.
    Hymie xx

  2. Hello Kid,
    Are you ready for tomorrow ? We want NO swearing at all – you do not need it. All it does is degrade you and no-one needs that. I will be listening very carefully,

  3. Happy Birthday Jeni, have a great Party and a fab time in Croydon. Thanks for the great Blogs. If you get too excited put Reggae on, it calms you down because it’s the same beat as your heart.
    Birthday mwah xxx
    Fee xx

  4. Another Happy Birthday Jenni! Wish we could all get to see you at Croyden, but have a good one – and a wonderful party on Saturday.

  5. Break a leg Jeni.
    We will all be rooting for you. You will be funny, witty, warm and wonderful as you always are.
    Love June

  6. Hi Jeni
    See I was right!
    Funny, witty, warm and wonderful and we loved you.
    Have the most fantastic weekend with your family and friends and enjoy your break.
    Warmest wishes

  7. Do you realise that if you are now middle aged……not only do you smell like ripe cheddar.
    You will live till your 120. God help us
    Sybil x

  8. Hiya Jeni,
    I’m glad all was perfect for your birthday and the show.
    All good wishes to you and yours,

  9. Dear Jeni, Happy belated birthday, hope you had a special party last night. I refused a party for my 60th last year,just my children and grandchildren and my old git went for a meal which we will be doing again on Saturday for my 61st! I got my bus pass form from our local bus station, but you can get them also from council offices. By the way as Fern Britton is leaving This Morning, I think you should have a word with your agent!! Get in there girl!!! We’d all love to see you on there I’m sure. Lots a luv xx PS Hows Kirsten, lets hear from you too xxxx

  10. Hello Jeni
    We’re so pleased that your show has gone so well!
    Maybe there’ll be a DVD we can buy in order to keep you in the style you deserve, so we can have a little bit of you here in South Africa.
    With all our love
    Martin and David (your Brighton Belles…) x

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