Saturday in Battersday

A trip to Battersea Park Road.
Up seven flights of stairs each landing stinking of pee….
Into a little flat to look at some material for Sunday’s International Womens day gig.
It’s not the colour I ordered but I’m sure my lovely Shakeel will do the trick.
Down in the lift.

Parking meter for two hours and off to my favourite shop in the Kings Road to buy BB a birthday present for Monday.
Then I took breakfast in a French emporium. Apple and ginger juice, cold from the fridge.
A sundae glass of yoghurt, granola and fruit.
Then a humungus bowl of coffee. I ordered large thinking it would be in a cup. When the bowl came I nearly died. I could only finish half of it but it was sublime.
Le Petit Quotidian I think is its name.
Back to the flat to work Then BB came and we drove to Gipsy Hlill to visit an art gallery and a studio where she may lay down her music.
Then back for a curry in Battersea Square.
She’s gone off clubbing in Shoreditch and I’m preparing to write. The heating is on to warm up my body.
Jim is acting in Middlesborough, my crocuses are up in the window boxes on the balcony. I need to get back to the cottage to see all my spring flowers in the garden.
I’ve booked three days in Rome for my 60th, the river is flowing, the moon is half a crescent with Venus keeping it company. All is just about right with the world.
Sleep well tonight.

4 thoughts on “Saturday in Battersday”

  1. Hi Jeni
    I’m glad you’re back to PROPER bloggin. Shame about your Spurs boys, they did well, apart from taking penalties. Too many Englishmen you see.
    Last week when I was in London I took inspiration from you and walked from the Barbican through the City, along the River Walk on the North side and across the ex shaky bridge to the Tate Modern. It was fantastic, being the start of Spring and cold but bright blue skies. There’s nowhere like London in the Spring. It has a beauty and ambience all of its own.
    Keep on keepin on Jeni and keep blogging!
    Luv Fee xxxxxxx

  2. Does Beth know it’s also Dr Seuss’ birthday (Green Eggs & Ham)?
    Send her my love and best wishes for her birthday!! Lyn xxx

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