Sunday funday.

After a breakfast of scrambled eggs – Bill Granger style – bacon, fresh coffee and toast, I drove Aj back to his car.
21 year old boys who play American football really are sweet arm candy.
The wind was fresh, although this evening its even fresher. The branches on the trees, over-looking the balcony, are waving their leaves around foppishly.
BB drove back into London so Sunday took on a bit of the-old-folks-at-home-scenario.

I mowed the lawn, Jim transferred pictures onto the computer.
Then we both sat in the sun reading the papers.
When the clouds built up I retired into the kitchen and made a Mediterranean Sea Bream.
20 minutes in the hottest of ovens with potatoes, breadcrumbs, tomatoes, garlic and olive oil. Covered with foil then discarded thus browning the bream for a little longer. Jim and I sat and munched our way through the Beleriac beanfeast until 6.00 when it was time to leave.
The drive back was stately and calm. I had the lid down, the heater on and Bulgarian singers harmonising on Radio 3. It was easy to leave the cottage behind me – I had promised myself a big decluttering session today – but I have finally managed to contact Gae to do a massive spring clean. She’s back from Kuwait where she suffered 45 degrees of heat and a shopping mall sporting Debenham and BHS. That’s a long way for a bargain.
I am working Monday and Tuesday, then its a quick dash home. The cottage will be spick and span, sleeping in crisp Gae-ly laundered sheets, bliss, then its off to Morocco on Wednesday morning.
I thank you for your comments. I do need to know that somebody is out there reading them. Although to be brutally honest I have a need to write my blogs, you responding is just a lovely bonus.
That’s it. I am gathering up my bits for work, then sifting through the wardrobe for holiday attire.
have a good night and

12 thoughts on “Sunday funday.”

  1. have a great time away Jeni , & i’m looking forward to lots of Moroccan tales when you return 🙂

  2. Have a wonderful holiday Jeni & Jim. I’m looking forward to 1001 tales of Moroccan adventures on your return.
    Lots of love
    Marmite xx

  3. Hi Jeni
    What a lovely e mail from Rhianon, it has certainly made me think!
    You do have some great bloggers, I so enjoy reading them, this is all down to you Jeni.
    Hope you and the Northern Git have a wonderful holiday. Lots of sun food wine and what’s the other thing?
    Love June

  4. Jeni,
    I’ll miss reading your blogs while you’re gone. They’re the perfect pick-me-up when I’m feeling a little blue, which I have been lately. Thank you for continuing to share yourself with your erstwhile viewers. (BTW, I’ve recently moved back home to the US from London, and the food TV channels here are terrible. There’s really nothing I want to watch. I miss you on GFL, even though I know you’re not there anymore!) Have a lovely holiday – you deserve it!

  5. Dear Jeni & Jim, Have a really lubberly time on your jollies. Hurry back with some new tales Lots a luv xx

  6. Have a lovely time on holiday, hope you get a chance to do some bargaining in the souks, or whatever they’re called.
    When you get back please do whatever you can do, use your celeb nous,beg, borrow or steal to get a ticket for Leonard Cohen at O2 in July. I saw him in Dublin and was captivated by his ego-less, humble and impeccable performance. 3 hours on stage with one 15 minute break, not bad for a 73 year old! A fantastic band with him too, and don’t believe any of that rot that says his songs are miserable, the whole show is so uplifting. Go on spoil yourself! xxFeexx

  7. Hi Jeni!
    Have a great break away. You really have earned it. Looking forward to your take on Morocco.
    Love for Hamburg,

  8. Jeni, you’re going on holiday just as I’m coming to the end of my radiotherapy!! How can you?! Who will I listen to now that I won’t have to go to the hospital every day?! No, I’m only joking, I’m delighted you’re getting a holiday, you deserve a break. I hope you & Jim have a wonderful time in Morocco & I’m sure you’ll come back with lots of great stories for us! Take care. Love, Kirsten.

  9. Hi Jenni, have just found this site after many months of wondering where you are and what you are doing. Please let us know what your are doing in your professional life and where we can see you. LOL Delia

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