What’s For You Wont Go Past You

The rain it raineth every day.
The sky is grey.
The dustmen have finally been and taken away most of 2009’s Christmas.
The fridge is bare.
The plumber has been to cast his eye over the bathroom. The heater blew the day after Boxing day. Having a shower is like breaking the ice in Alaska, and who wants a long, cold soak?
The cat is asleep on the bed.
Jim is recovering from a bronchial infection, giving up smoking has caused havoc in his poor old body. He’s having to spend time in bed and I’m working round him.

So far I have eleven sacks of clothes for the Charity shops. Of course I could put it on ebay but can I be bothered? Years of GFL are sitting in black plastic bags on the sitting room floor. All my velvetes, all my trousers, all my jackets, all the things that made me look like Fern Britton on Coke – diet of course…
Christmas Day was goose with all the trimmings. 12 of us round a table that seats 6. Crackers pulled, presents opened then every body lying on the floor watching ‘UP’.
Boxing Day was left-overs with all the trimmings. All of us wandering round the cottage with full plates.By the time the clock struck twelve my body had turned into a pumpkin.
I have the 2010 calender hanging up in the kitchen I have a new five year diary, I have a new ‘Blackberry’ which I have no idea how to use, I have a wonderful new scent which makes me feel like Coco Chanel ( wonderful film by the way ). Jim will be better by January 1st, and then it’s back to work for both of us.
I hope you all had a blissful Christmas and may 2010 be just what you ordered.
I like ‘MAY THE BEST OF LAST YEAR BE THE WORST OF THIS’….come on there’s nothing wrong with an old cliche now and then after all: wherethere’sawillthere’sastitchintimesavingallthosebirdsinthebusheswhilstwhatisn’tkillingyouismakingyoustronger.
Love to all my devoted bloggers see you in the New Year.

8 thoughts on “What’s For You Wont Go Past You”

  1. Jeni,Just want to say how fabulous you always looked on GFL,it was great to see all the brilliant clothes you wore then.
    Have a super 2010,hope everything goes well for you and we shall see you on tv very soon in 2010.Lol Sandy x

  2. Hi, Jeni,
    I just want to echo what Sandy said about hoping to see you on tv in 2010.
    Have a very happy new year.
    Much love and prayers

  3. Afternoon all,
    Ridding yourself of the last vestiges of G.F.L.eh? I loved that show. It was well worth coming home to! Thanks to you. I rarely watched it when there was a guest presenter. They just served to highlight what a bloody good presenter you are.
    Well, all the best to you all for a happy, healthy and joyfull 2010. Especially dear Kirsten, Marmite and June. And you, Jen. The best of the bunch! Happy 2010!
    Much love always,
    Rhianon. xx

  4. Happy New Year Jeni
    I was expecting you on the 24th as you said but I understand that you may have needed a break.
    Allow me to pass on my excitement at reachig 2010, please feel free to collect that energy at any time : )
    Tisha and of course Dardar x

  5. Hi Jeni
    Happy Happy New Year and may you be happy, healthy and wise in 2010.
    I’m kicking myself because I’ve just seen your latest blog and your bags will be away to the charity shops by now. If you really are keen to sell stuff on ebay (and you still have them) I can do it for you as that’s what I do as a business. I would take my cut and give you the rest of the dosh. As for picking the stuff up I have a cousin in Hastings who would take it for me. BUT I fear it’s too late. Do me a favour and don’t put this on your blog please, (sounds like an advert). My ebay site is http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/dustyfrg if you want to have a look at feedback etc.
    I’ll send you an alternative New Year message.
    Luvnstuff x

  6. Happy New Year Jeni!
    Yes, I missed you on the 24th, well more like the 30th really – it’s been quite a Christmas and New Year already lol
    Lovely to hear your voice again today. You were missed : )
    PS Hope you haven’t thrown out the dalmation dungarees. Gasp.

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