luna eclipse

Oh! the last three days have been a nightmare.
What with the Lunar eclipse, blood sugar levels and tears from the young women in my life to cap it all my telephone went down, the computer stopped working so I’ve been living in the dark ages.
And then today the man from BT came and mended the box outside the flat.
By noon we were back in the land of the living. What did Eloise and Abelard do without their internet?

Today a man I had interviewed 15 years ago, called in to remind me about the power of scent.
A woman texted me to remind me that, a decade ago, she had sold me Mayberline Mascara in Tunbridge Wells.
An old friend e-mailed me to tell me about the birth of her daughter when she was 44, that’s her not the daughter..
I had a meeting with two women one of whom had seen me perform on stage when she was twelve and I was much older. We will work together.
I then visited my lovely old friend in Surbiton who gave me such a buzz that I came home and watched Spurs draw with Prague and positively glowed.
That’s it for now.
Steve is back tomorrow – anything may happen.
Thank you Glenn for your incredible blog. Everybody read it please. Jackson is still alive, and well, but Jim tells me he finds it hard going down hills now, thats the dog not the old man.
much love to you all.
night night

3 thoughts on “luna eclipse”

  1. Hi Jeni
    Glad it was only the tinternet that was down, we all worry about you when there’s no bloggin! Well that and I don’t get my daily dose!
    Will be listening to the show tomorrow from Welsh Wales
    lots of love
    Marmite xx

  2. Hi Jeni,
    I managed to listen to the last part of the debate on the death penalty. I agree with you. It acts neither as a deterrent nor is it the mark of a civilised society…..but thats just my opinion.
    I am sure that we all wish Jackson well. Look after the old boy (Jackson that is)!
    Thanks to all your bloggers from here and France who have visited my Blogspot. Thats such a nice start.
    Chrissie x x

  3. Dear Jen,
    As I’m in work during the day I never hear your show, but I’d like to suggest you talk about hospital food one day. Maybe you already have. My mother is in a Swansea hospital ( i won’t name it….) and the food is so awful, I’m taking in food from my house as she can’t eat the stuff they serve up. It says it all that the porters call the food trolley the ‘muck truck’, the nurses refuse to eat hospital food and one doctor phoned home from the ward for his wife to bring in food for him as he wasn’t going to ‘eat this slop’, in his words.
    At home I make everything from fresh ingredients. I make our bread, pasta, cake everything, so I know what goes into all our meals. I’d say a lot of her recovery is down to getting good, basic nutritious food, and this is being denied her and all the other patients.
    She’s struggling to get over pneumonia and the ward she’s on was shut down yesterday as they had an outbreak of d&v. So did another ward fed the same meals. Some coincidence, eh?

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