And the Emmy goes too…..

So we drove our American friend to our local train station at 7.55 this morning. The ticket office was open, and the man in it could not have been more helpful.
Told her to get out at London Bridge, then take the Heathrow express from Paddington.
18.50 quid and she’ll be back in time for tiffin.
Yesterday she saw Emmy, our 17 year old cat, ruin into the opposite garden. That was the last we saw of her.
All night I could swear I heard the cat flap open and close.
Jim printed up posters of a lost ancient cat who was blind in one eye, deaf as a post, and very, very skinny.
We parked up, took a look around, to the woods, the neighbouring gardens. Down by the road. Under the cars.
We were heading out to the trees, drawing pins in hand, when I had a final peek underneath the trees in front of the kitchen window, and there she was.
As stiff as a board, eyes slightly open.
Our lovely Emmy had taken herself off to die, conveniently, without any fuss.
I cried.
She’s awaiting her burial, in the back garden, up behind the shed alongside.
And next door to my others ashes and her thorn free blackberry bush.
It will be the first time this cottage has been animal free, since 1984 when we moved in.
Cat biscuits gone to the birds, cat food, for the foxes, hedgehogs and squirrels.
Cat mat, dishes, fork have been washed and put away, and an array of Emmy type sleeping clothes, from a pair of grey tack suit bottoms, a salmon pink top that she used and various cushions.
In the last few weeks she took to sleeping on anything that was on the floor; The Sunday Papers, abandoned socks and Jim’s royal blue fleece.
She had taken to following the old git everywhere and eating his left overs like a baby bird being fed from the beaks of mum and dad.
I shall miss her. She was very vocal and delicious to look at, until she got skinnier than Naomi Campbell.
We shall miss you.
Rest In Peace Emmy.
2002 – 2019

3 thoughts on “And the Emmy goes too…..”

  1. Oh Im so sorry..I just lost my 17yr old cat Georgina a month ago… stunningly beautiful till the end..skinny too..I do think its a good end to life when they are able to die at home..God bless Emmyxxx

  2. Sorry for the loss of your Emmy . You will miss her . Do take comfort that she enjoyed a fabulous and long life in your cottage and around your garden .
    Never say ” no ” to another Emmy . You two have so much to offer one.

  3. Hey jeni Barnett, so sorry to hear of your loss!
    Hope you’re doing alright!
    We’ve got a Betty Cat if you want?
    She keeps digging up my beds!
    Much love,
    The borowski’s x

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