the dating game

From vaccinations to hoodies, from summer houses, to dating.
It is possible to feel the audience, in the theatre they are one animal.
You can hear actors saying they were good tonight, or what a tight lipped crowd THEY were.
On telly it may be just one person you are imagining you are talking to.
But this radio lark is different. Talking to individuals, real people, having a proper exchange, and yet you are all part of the same big audience.
Today you excelled yourselves.
I now know I want to keep chickens,have a summer house to grow my herbs, and I definitely want to have a proper hoodie from M&S with diamonte trimmings and a pair of pants to match.
I wanted to talk spiders, but there were too many wonderful dating stories…..
maybe tomorrow.
If I had known about all the web sites devoted to getting people together I may well have ditched the old git!
only where would I find somebody quite so patient?
I bet there’s a web-site called ‘Patient dot com.’ but dont quote me on that!