It’s 12.15. I’m eating Ryvita. Clarence is asleep in his bed. Jim’s at home in Sussex.
Jackson is on his bed – I’m told. I read an article today by Bruce Fogel the famous vet who’s married to Julia whatshername.
The article made me cry it was all about him having to put his own dog down.
The noise of London has receded, the only sound is me crunching through my rye crackers.
(Thank you to you two lovely bloggers who replaced my lost blogs.)
It’s the state of my head today.
Thursday November 1st.
I thought today was Wednesday and yesterday Thursday. I’m all over the place.
I should have run today but since I thought it was yesterday I gave myself Wednesday off! This means I shall have to run tomorrow.
I may not want to though.
It doesn’t matter what you want you have to.
Because its good for you.
With whom am I having this argument?
You know who!
Shut up you silly bat and get on with it.
I took the No.19 into Shaftsbury Avenue.
I sat on the top deck of the bus. We stopped in Piccadilly and I watched a man in an Italian coffee bar.
He was sitting on a high stool at the window. Staring into the middle distance he bit into an enormous cookie then he tidied his little work station. Stroking the paper napkin flat, rearranging his cup on the saucer, organising the sugar in the sugar bowl. He looked up and fixed his eyes in the middle distance. He continued to stare as he munched on his biscuit. As he got deeper and deeper in thought he took bigger bites of his cookie. Then he picked up the plate so the crumbs wouldn’t fall on the counter top. As his eyes got wider and wider the plate got closer and closer to his chin and then he started to nod. He was having a really animated conversation inside his head. By the time the bus started to moved he’d finished the cookie, made peace with his thoughts and downed his coffee.
I walked down Old Windmill Street and lamented the closure of the Windmill Theatre. My uncle Alfie sang there when he was lad. The naked girls forming tableaus behind him. I passed a Malaysian restaurant that has been voted the best in town, so I’m thinking of getting the old man there.
I was deliberately 45 minutes early for my voiceover so I could have breakfast in FLATWHITE on Berwick Street.
I ordered a toasted bagel with vegemite and a latte with a picture of a rabbit on the top. Cameron, who owns the bar, made the frothy bunny for me, he does it free hand.
Then I ran and bought myself a newspaper. The MAIL, only because I like reading Johnathan Cainer.
My policy is that whatever The Mail says its diametrically opposed to what I think. So I get a clarification of my opinions.
I sat in the dark coffee bar, reading my paper, stuffing my face and crying over the dog.
Two doors down is Silk Sound. A voice over studio I have worked in many times. Normally I trip up the step, today the coffee was so strong it kept me upright.
I was in the studio from 11-3. A long session reading adverts for a furniture store. The gang were fun so it didn’t feel too deadly.
Got back to the flat by 4.15. read all your great comments and then proceeded to delete them idiot that I am.
I had a quick bath and caught another No.19 back into Shaftsbury Avenue.
CABARET, was applauded by the full house, including Michael Beurk who was sitting behind me. I hated it. I did not care for Julian Clary, but I blame the direction which I thought was dreadful. The play is a dark story about the rise of Fascism, tonights attempt looked like a badly constructed louche routine for the X Factor.
I first saw it back in the 70’s with a very young Judy Dench playing Sally Bowles. That production changed my life, sitting in the stalls watching Dame Jude’s gut wrenching performance made me want to go into theatre. Tonight’s show was shallow, gratuitous and appallingly acted. The young Sally Bowles had about as much depth and understanding of what she was doing as I have of tree felling.
I felt horribly ungrateful as I had been invited to their 100th peformance. But I have 30,000 years experience and what I saw tonight was everything that is wrong with our industry. It was tatty, ill conceived, superficial and empty. The musicians were good. The dancers were good. The two older actors were good, but the juve leads were shocking and Julian Clary should stick to stand up. The director let them all down.
I missed the no.19 bus and had to wait ten minutes. Then I clip-clopped my way back to the flat, catching my heels in between the paving stones three times. My lovely black patent leather boots are ruined.
So my day has been, in turn, busy, disappointing, satisfying and long.
Tell me about your day and I promise, Glen et al, that I wont delete you.
have a good day tomorrow and
Hi Jeni, I do love your daily notes to us all, I’ve learned more about London over the last few months (where to go and how to get there etc.etc.) than any ‘Tourist info shop! Just spotted on Sky Plus that ‘Food Poker’ starts it’s run on Monday, look forward to hearing your wonderful voice. I shall give you my opinion on the show later that day. Have a great weekend and thanks for cheering us all up each day, it means a lot that you take time out to communicate with us all.
David – Manchester x
Hi Jeni
My day is starting by going to bed! I worked last night, was very busy and lots of paperwork.I have put my fluffy comfy v old jammies on, electric blamket on, sipping a red berry tea, reading for a bit then snuggling down to sleep. Shame its such a nice sunny day here in Dorset. Hope ur day is relaxing at some point but i very much doubt it, you always seem so driven and busy, thats the beauty of being so popular! Take Care xx
I’m off to Brighton to see daughter no. 2 who has just got over a bout of tonsilitis and says she needs a cuddle! I hate travelling on my own, I don’t trust British Rail to get me there and I’m sure I’ll end up in Manchester rather than Brighton. I’ll let you know on Monday if I made it.
Hi Jeni,
So tell us about your Uncle Alfie. Got to be a good story. Seems like you are not the only one in your family to be struck by the stage!
Shame about Cabaret. I have only seen the film and found that a bit dark.
A good few years ago I saw Maureen Lipman (love that lady) in Wonderful Town and have seen a couple of things at the Richmond Theatre which is just up the road from us. Haven’t been to anything in town for ages.
Its 11.20 am here and I have just done a bit in the garden and will continue doing things to close down the house for our stay in the UK over winter. I love both places and I know I am a lucky girl…..well, OK, middle-aged woman.
Chrissie x x
Hi Jeni
Well I’ve taken the dogs out, the sun was shining, the leaves were falling off the trees, what wonderful colours. There’s a lake at the bottom of our garden (only joking), at the bottom of our lane and our youngest Lab was having a good old sniff round when a coot dived (as they do) behind her in the lake, the dog shot a mile, the look on her face as she turned round when she heard the splash but there was nothing there! Silly things make you smile when walking the dogs and the sun is shining don’t you think. I was too late for breakfeast with the fishermen, or so they said. So came back and had my oats! I’ve done my ironing and now I’m going to put it away, then clean (maybe). Well that was my morning. It’s exciting isn’t it.
Now I know where you’re going with the Bruce Fogle bit, so stop reading things like it. (Julia Foster by the way). I shall not be watching Food Poker, sorry nothing to do with you but still don’t like it.
Back to work. Have a nice day, look forward to your next installment of where you’ve been and what you’ve eaten!
Janeyb x
Hello Jeni & co. Haven’t posted for a while but I have been reading your ramblings.
Saw a bit of Food Poker the other day, didn’t really like Matt Alright but was cheered to hear your voice and see some of the chefs I grew to love on your shows.
I’ve just about got over having to come back from holiday. If anyone is heading to California I can recommend Sly McFlys on Cannery Row in Monterey. Great food, drinks, service and free music most nights!
Hallo Jeni
My daughter lives opposite you across the Thames and when she goes away I flat sit. I’m taking notes of all the places you mention food wise so I can try them on my next stay in London.
My two favourite things London and food, so thanks Jeni.
Kindest regards
Hi Jenni
I started reading your blogs after GFL finished, and although it’s not the same, your ramblings often brighten up my day! I haven’t left blog before, but just had to say that I have just eaten a bowl of pumpkin soup that you recommended the other day! I had left over pumpkin which I did not want to throw away, but no one in our house was very bothered about actually wanting to eat it! Even my comments about starving children in Africa made no difference. The soup is delicious, and I will freeze what is left for another day (unless of course I can’t resist another bowl later…)
I don’t live in London, so don’t get to hear you on LBC, but I’m not giving up hope of you appearing back on our screens!
Best wishes
Christine (Doncaster)
Hi Jeni. Well my week has been awful, my dearest auntie has had her second mastecomy but she’s fine up to press and is home and feeling great,see what happens at her follow up. Still cleaning & decorating after the new kitchen, but the worst thing about tonight is my dearest Molly (a westie) is so so so terrified tonight about all the fireworks going off. They should be banned!!!! I’ve got to have my grandchildren on monday for a bonfire party, but i’ve promised Moll never again, she’s so scared the whole settee is shaking. Lots a luv xx