The Plimsoll Line

Jim and I took Jackson for a walk. We met a little Staffordshire terrior who was 16, three pugs who were not, a woman from Halifax, a lady from Leeds and a ream of runners.
Then when we got to the church I walked down as far as I could to the edge of the Thames. It was very muddy, so muddy that I couldn’t go any further, it was as thick as quick sand.
Jim and Jackson stood by the wall and watched me squelch my way back to where they were standing.
Hanging by their laces, from a rope tied by the wall, were 20 trainers. A score of sneekers. I know because I counted them.
Big ones, small ones all without partners.
How they arrived there is anybodies guess but those 20 solitary shoes hung, like souless fruit on a washing line.
I have now re-christened the church ‘Our Lady of the Plimsolls’

4 thoughts on “The Plimsoll Line”

  1. Hi Jeni
    I’ve had a great hour plus reading all your blogs, just back from the sun, lying beside the pool, reading, eating and thinking. It’s great when you come home from hols and you’ve got 20 episodes of Corrie to watch plus 3 of Studio 60 and mega amount of blogs from the great & delicious Jeni.
    I see (some blog back)you discovered Caesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, how fab is he? And gorgeous too, if not a little short, but hey as I’ll never meet him does it really matter?
    He doesn’t just say “stay in the now”, it’s also “calm and assertive”, but how do stay calm when you’re being assertive?
    Looking forward to your new programme, and oh, it’s blog ages ago now but remember
    “it’s your blog and you can cry if you want to” so bah hoo to those who complain.
    xxx Fee xox

  2. I’m with Tricia. Do you know I can see a programme where you do similiar to GFL, a bit of news, a bit of show bus, all sit round the kitchen table and chat about the latest foods and fads, new equipment etc etc. Dyaknow I miss that woman with the crazy hair (with scarves/bows)she was so informative. I miss Ollie, I learnt so much about wine without realising it. Dyaknow yes I miss GFL! How much does it cost to make programmes like that?

  3. yeh JaneyB grand idea we can all have a whip round and be producers, if we get enough to do a pilot it will be so great someone is bound to take it up!!!
    Love Marmite Girl xx

  4. Autumn must be beautiful along the Thames. The river that runs throuh Neath is, for the most part, an industrial thing. Wharfs at the estury pouring into Swansea bay, and the remains of the copper works on the marsh and motorways crossing over it. But the other side, if you can ignore all the noise and thrum of the cars, is the Abbey, nearly a thousand years old, most of it still there, imposing and beautiful, with it’s reflection in the stillness of the canal, and the waterfall in Aberdulais which Turner painted, the outer gate of the Castle overlooking the marsh, the way the mist rises over the bottom of the valley, following the rivers course. I can see it curling around our village every morning. I’m fortunate to live here, I think. The hill at the top of my street is turning into a really glorious blaze of gold and red. My short drive to work every morning takes me past an aqueduct built by Brunell over the river, and the view up to the mountains is cracking. Maybe it’s because I see it every day that I take it so much for granted. I never really paid it much attention growing up. But reading your accounts of London made me look again at whats here around me. I quite like it!

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