Good Friday

8.40pm on Good Friday. I have so many bunches of flowers I feel I am present at my own funeral.

The truth is we pre-recorded today’s show, and now I realise why.

After five and a half years, 5,942 recipes, a stable of exhaustingly generous chefs and a team of undyingly committed GoodFoodLifers, it would’ve been impossible to do it live.

The tears started on Wednesday when I recieved a bottle of Champagne and a card written by our Polish caff-ertiers. When they first started serving up breakfast not one of them had a word of English. Now they can argue with you, in perfect Blighty, about how much you owe on your tab. I cried as one immigrant to another.

When the wreaths started arriving, I was minus mascara. After make-up, fully painted, lashes as long as you like, and yet more flowers, I was still minus makeup. Poor old Carolyte had to be on hand with her makeup bag and a few well chosen shovels and trowels to reapply the camouflage – the old face needed re-landscaping every few minutes.

All my clothes had been packed up by the lovely Anjelina on Wednesday so I had only a few garments to choose from, and since my booze and carb intake over the last few weeks has been equivelant to that of a hibernating grizzly, I could only fit into the loosest of apparel.

When everybody scrubbed up in their penguin suits and finery I felt like the old aunt who wore her favourite outfit from 1909, but had the approval of the whole family just because she was still alive.

But alive I felt even though my black trousers developed holes in the waistband and my black vest had stains of unknown origin. I was too emotional to change so on the last ever GFL I was held up by invisible mending and emotional support.

A car arrived at 9.10, a lovely Polish driver who talked all the way to the studio. When I arrived there was an air of mystery about the place. Normally we would have a meeting, but what was the point? They had devised a show that was full of surprises. I was utterly out of control.

The first bunch of flowers arrived from Paul Gaylor, from the Lanesborough Hotel, with a wonderful card. A massive chocolate cake appeared much later. Piped in white icing, it read ‘TO CELEBRATE THE LIFE AND TIMES OF GREAT FOOD LIVE’. There was a chef’s hat and an assortment of kitchen implements made out of icing and marzipan. It was truly stunning. 2ft by 1ft – enough to fill a galley kitchen and feed all its slaves. I cut the cake in the pub at 11 o’clock that night with a big sharp knife, made a wish then one of our directors handed out slices to the extremely boozy crowd.

More flowers, more tears. I was literally held up in the dressing room by Alan Coxon and Paul Bloxham who told me not to worry and that everything would be okay. Not so their collars – I smothered them in orange lipstick and powder.

The studio was packed with people, a choir, booze, every known super chef, boxes of tissues and secrets.

We rehearsed until 1.20pm and then we recorded, as live, at 2.00pm. Apart from Ed Baines’ Fruit der Mare, Bloxham’s Wagyu beef hamburger and Andrew Nutter’s unbelivably silly chocolate egg that exploded with a full marzipan version of me, complete with left breast mole, we had loads of bubbly. A beautiful silver Victorian drinking cup was given as a gift from Wayne Collins.

And here I must tell you the circular nature of my life.

Way back in 1977 Jim and I lived in Queens Crescent, in North London. We were very poor actors with families to support. We lived on 7 quid a week, optimism and new love.

Each week I would go to the market. The Irish boys on the greengrocer stall saw me coming. ‘Here she comes’, they would holler as they reached under their fake turf and pull out a box. They supplied me with perfectly edible fruit and veg free and gratis. Thirty years later an Irish boy called Wayne Collins, his Irish eyes, black hair and Camden Town lilt familiar to you all, well not you who don’t know the show, but all of you who do, came on as a guest. We started talking and we established certain coincidences resulting in the incredible truth that he was related to the very costamaongers who had kept Jim and I alive 30 years earlier. He, as a young lad, had worked on the very stall that supplied those squashed tomatoes. It felt like I was giving something back, so when he gave me my silver drinking cup, the circle was squared.

There are loads of those stories from the show. When people say it was like a big family, it really was. Cutesy, one of our camera ops, tearfully told Jim and I in the pub later that night that he was so sad not to be coming back to what he felt was his real family. I know what he means.

Five and a half years of making real relationships, arguing and forgiving, complaining and laughing. We did it all.

I have told my kid that love is like a chain of continual forgiveness, forever forgiving and renewing the link of love. It may sound like a load of old sentimental tosh but GFL, and the incredible Nicci Cooper, seriously taught me about patience, change, forgiveness and how to make a bloody good risotto.

So there we are with all the boys helping out, laughing and me being as rude as you like because we were pre-recorded and anyway, who could do anything to us now, when the Rimmer announced that I had talked about Jim so many times… and here he was. My eyes widened, my stomach lurched but on walked a big naked kissogram with a loin cloth and skin covered in oil. He may have been beautiful, and it was funny, but I wanted my old man, although I didn’t say so at the time.

The show swung along until the final few moments when Rimmer announced again that I had talked about Jim so many times that here he was. And here he really was with the BeeBee girl, looking all grown up. And Jim coloured with pancake. That was it – I could not hold back the tears. The two most important people in my life had bothered to drive all the way to Wandsworth and reveal themselves on national TV. With my daughter so shy and Jim never wanting to hog the limelight, I cried.

I tried not to but the whole thing of silver ticker tape coming out of the Gods, the choir singing, the wonderful generosity of the whole team from Barry and Tony, who own the studio, to Jackie in reception who keeps it running, from Lou who pays us and Ali who takes it away; From Tom in Lighting to Andy in sound, to Norman who started out as little Norm and has turned into Big Norm; To Mel who hasn’t had excema for 13 years but got it back trying to keep everything together, to Paddy, who is light weight and looked at a bottle and got drunk just reading the label. Well, to everybody who ran around like blue arsed flies to make the last show so special. And so it was.

I will never foget this day. Well, I can’t. I have it on DVD and I’ve already watched it once. But the feeling of being loved by my one big huge extended family was wonderful.

So I thank all who have been there and done it for me and GFL. Long may we remain in peoples hearts. We opened on Bonfire night with bang and if my darling agent Rob has got anything to do with it, we will come back with a bang.

It’s Easter and Passover – a time of renewal and rebirth – so no sadness. It has been a wonderful five and half years.

Thank you for your support. Watch this space – it’s not over until the fat lady sings. X.

69 thoughts on “Good Friday”

  1. I can’t believe I cried watching the last show, usually only cry at the limping donkey on wspa advert!!! Jeni you are a star and made GFL, I will always shout mousse woman now every time I whip up a choccy mousse. Break a leg in whatever you do next and don’t be off air for too long. xx

  2. The better half and I always saved your show until the 10pm showing,Jeni and tonight,we were unable to talk to each other at the end.We’ve had so many laughs with you and learned so much from all the chefs that whatever they put on it will never replace your great show, so if they’ve any sense,they will find you a new show -quick,smart!
    Thank You for all the happy times and your diary entry for today,brought me so many happy memories of my life in London (in my youth)Camden Town,Primrose Hill and Regents Park -the areas I lived in in the swinging 60’s.
    God Bless You,Jeni,Jim and the family x

  3. Hi Jeni
    I watched the last GFL today through misty eyes, by the time Jim came on I am afraid it had advanced to blubbing. It was a fantastic last show and an appropriate send off.
    It showed us viewers just how much everyone loves and respects you Jeni.
    I laughed my ass off when the oiled Adonis in the loin cloth came on as Jim, classic!
    You are a legend Jeni Barnett, I look forward to seeing you back on the box very soon.
    Best Wishes
    Pamela C

  4. Hi
    Just to say both myself and my husband are so sorry to see the program end. We watched every day, myself sometimes twice!!
    Hope to see you back on our screens very soon as you are fantastic!
    Good luck and thank you for entertaining us with your boys!!!
    Natalie & Stephen

  5. so good we watched it twice jeni!
    with reggae reggae sauce on our hot sausages, sweet potato oven-baked chips and the hot juices dribbled all over the salad leaves…..we never ate any of these before GFL..!!!..and apple strudel, made with cinnamon and phyllo pastry, with thick goat’s milk yoghurt…..yum!
    what are we going to do for inspiration in future?
    thank goodness for doing this blog jeni….’cos that is you..goodness personified……..

  6. Jeni, I have loved GFL from the beginning. It has helped me become a better cook as well as keeping me entertained, and like so many others I’m so sorry to see the show end.
    You are a breath of fresh air, Jen. You are an utter joy to watch. Thank you, and everybody else, so much for the last five and a half years.
    Waldo xx (Mark Walton, Chester)

  7. Hi Jen,
    Well, we knew it was coming, and as you say it may be a time for no sadness, but here is still the feeling of something very special having passed into “live” history. We are fed (excuse the pun) so much sanitised, prerecorded media these days, GFL has been full of life, fun, information, family, feelings, and reality.
    We will miss you. We will miss all your guests too many to mention. The quiet moments, the variety, the real-ness of it all.
    Most of all, we wish you as much fun and happiness in the future as you have had for the last 5 years.
    With love and best wishes,
    Chris and Barrie. xxx

  8. Just an ordinary middle aged lady watching TV, has tears in her eyes just thinking of the end of GFL. Jeni you are one special lady! The sense of loss is tangible. How have I become so attached to my daily fix of inspiration, laughter, energy, fun, information amd a zest for living. I think I have already answered that myself. Good on you Jen. Hope you’re planning a holiday to recover. I think we all need one. I shall keep a look out for you .. around every corner. Huge hugs.

  9. Congratulations!
    I shared some tears with you at the end of the show.
    What a treat to see ‘the other Jim’, haha. I’m glad that you got your real Jim to join you, though.
    It must have been a tough day, but at the same time, a celebration surrounded by all the important people.
    Thank you for all the entertainment, humour and inspiration that has had an impact on so many people’s lives.
    Have a good rest. Be back soon. All I can say to ‘the other Rob’ GO FOR IT!!
    Rob xx

  10. Dear Jeni,
    I watched the last show on Good Friday with tears in my eyes from start to finish. I was trying to understand why so many of us feel such a connection with you and the show, and after reading your comments it is clear that it is because we feel like we have become part of your extended family. We love hearing you talk about Jim and your daughter and we know that behind your humour there is such love.
    Days won’t be the same without GFL. I am a Mum to two small children, and once they were safely tucked up it was great to sit and watch the show. Even my partner who hates cookery programmes couldn’t help but find himself enjoying yours. You and the team had something no other show has, something impossible to describe but you knew it when you saw it. I just hope that you will be back in the near future, you can’t keep a good woman down!!
    GFL you will be sadly missed.
    Thank you for a fabulous 5 years.

  11. Well jeni, didnt it all go well? I was convinced it was live so you fooled me! Lovely to see Beth & Jim.But no Jackson? Very much luck for the future, break a leg. Judi xxxxxx

  12. You really are special, you know? The last show was perfect. I’ll miss your presence in my life at lunch time, tea time or supper time, whichever airing of the show I can catch. As you say, come back with a bang. What a brilliant set of chefs you have! All those people there to prove how important you are to them, Beautiful. So much love.
    Happy Easter, Good Passover,

  13. Hi Jeni, well I laughed with you, cried with you and will miss you terribly, I genuinely believe that Uktv food will die a death without GFL and you on it, it will be more repeats and wannabes, my lunchtime will not be the same any more, no going back to work trying to print of the fab recipes on the sly!!!
    I feel you handled yourself with great poise and dignity yesterday and I have to say they are not words that I would normally associate with you haha, the double entendres were wicked and had me in tears but more so when your family appeared and the vulnerabilty became apparant, thank you so much for making what could have been a mediocre show a fabulous one and do not rest on your laurels too long I will miss you and Mr Baines!! and all your other hubbies.xx

  14. Right, the shows over, I’ve recovered from my hangover, I only live up the road and I miss you. Where’s my invite for tea and biscuits, woman? 😉
    Hope you’re well, Jeni, and I KNOW I’ll see you soon, somewhere. I love, you, O. x

  15. Jeni, I remember as a student watching you on Nick and Anne in the Morning, and I’ve never forgotten you! I think you’re the best presenter on the telly!! Thanks for MAKING GFL what it was. Still think the powers that be are mad to axe it! My poor dear old ma, who doesn’t keep good health, is going to be lost without her daily dose of Jeni on GFL…haste ye back!

  16. Hi Jeni
    I was the guy in Longplayer (something else that’s now sadly gone) who used to watch GFL. I know there were massive ups and downs with the show over the past few years. As sad as it is that the show has finally finished, I guess it was inevitable.
    If you’re ever in town and fancy a good bitching session over a coffee, then you now have my email address. If not, then no doubt we’ll bump into each other at some point.
    Here’s to better times.

  17. Dear Jeni,
    I can’t really believe that it’s happened, but there we are, GFL is laid to rest. I have to admit that, just like so many others, there was a tear or two in my eyes at the end.
    Thank you for your energy and joy throughout the last five and a half years. Thanks to all the crew who have helped to put the show on the air.
    Jeni, please remember that you have so many friends out here in tv-land who are on the edge of our seats, just waiting to hear where we can rekindle our friendship with you.
    I can’t wait to hear the fat lady singing again!!!!!!!!
    Happy Passover, Happy Easter!
    Fr Andrew

  18. Oh Jeni. I sat and blubbed my way through the final show. It was a stunning show and truly the end of an era. You are a national treasure Jeni. Come back to us soon darling.

  19. Dear Jeni
    I have just read you’re wonderfully moving blog for Good Friday, and what an emotional show the last GFL was, it made me cry!. GFL was like a family, and that is what made it such a good show. You’re a great personailty, and you and GFL will be sadly missed by myself and so many othe people. But life goes on, and soon another door will open for you and you’ll once again entertain so well so many people as you did on GFL. I work for a radio station in London, and would love to have you as one of our presenters!! wishing you all the best for the future.
    Chris Lowrie

  20. Jeni,
    You have always made me laugh – from TVam right through to GFL. Your sense of humour and down-to-earth nature make you more watchable than anyone else on the box.
    You always were too good to be hidden away on a cable channel. Here’s hoping someone at BBC or ITV will snap you up for a primetime show, with a stonking great pay packet so you can stick two fingers up to those sodding suits-in-charge who thought it was time to end GFL.
    I have every faith you’ll be back on our screens in a bigger and better and louder and prouder guise than ever before!
    In the meantime, all the best.
    Emma x

  21. Hi Jenny
    A brilliant last show – you and “the boys” gave it your all. I laughed, I cried and still cannot believe this show had ended.
    Much love to you and yours – come back soon.

  22. Hi Jeni
    Thanks for a great final GFL. I laughed until I cried and my glasses steamed up. The cats were ready to send me to the funny farm.
    Good luck and have a peaceful passover.

  23. As you say it isn’t over till the fat lady stops singing………so we are safe !!!thankfully you never took up singing and you aren’t a lady ha ha so by my reckoning you’ll never leave our screens just .a short vacation………….
    I can’t wait to see the look on the suits faces that let you go…. when you pop up somewhere else………….then let them talk change with you
    Christian xx

  24. I had given up TV for Lent – and have just realised that GFL is over! I will miss the show, but I will miss you, Jeni, the most. You have the been the best thing on my TV screen for ages now, and I just can’t believe it! You are beautiful and funny, and it just isn’t fair. I do hope that you will be doing something else really soon that I can watch. Simon, in Northern Ireland.

  25. I cried the first time at the lunchtime show, the second time at the tea time show and the last time ….. the very last time at the evening showing. You and GFL will be sadly missed. So many good wishes and love has been sent to you that you cannot fail to bounce back even stronger. You are right, its not over till the fat lady sings….Go girl…..moosewoman!!!!
    Love Lesley & Grumpy (who despite his dislke of all cookery programmes loves yours) says it all really.

  26. Just wanted to say how sorry I am that GFL has ended. You truly made the show. I have no reason now to watch UKTV again and I am sure there will be more like me. I sincerely hope another channel will let you front a new version of GFL.

  27. Jeni
    I have watched you and the show since day one.You have entertained me and got me through the highs and lows. I really do feel there is a huge gap now in my life. Sorry if that sounds so dramatic, I don’t mean it to be. I am so pleased that you have the website so I will be able to keep in touch with how you are doing. I shall continue to follow your career and wish you and your family all the very best.

  28. Thak you so much for 5 years wonderful entertainment and education. I am so used to heading for the kitchen to start making dinner to the sound of your voice and laughter, I honestly don’t know what I will do without you and your wonderful gang. I cheated last night as I knew I would not be able to cook, so went to the local chippy. We washed it down with a bottle of champagne, (champagne diluted with tears) and toasted your health.
    God bless and we wish you every success in the future.
    Yvonne & Graeme

  29. Thank you so much for the real laughter that you have always brought to my day. I will miss your wit,laugh and such obvious love of food and your boys and girls that so obviously loved you. I pray that common sense will prevail and that you will be back on our screens soon.

  30. Dear Jen. Will miss you so much. You were a light in our lives. You really made the show and we felt that it was always our show.All the very best in your new life role what ever it is.God bless.XXXXXX

  31. GFL was a great show. Jeni, you will truly be missed and I hope you will be back on the airwaves very, very soon. UK TV Food is nothing without you – how on earth could Tom Parker-Bowles and Mrs Ramsay replace you???!!!

  32. What a fab last show, hhuge thanks for all I’ve learned from this great programme & big hugs to you Jeni, you have made me laugh so much & on this show cry as well.
    Come back soon(are you listening TV Execs??)!
    Much love & good passover

  33. I have just read your blog, its usually the first thing I do when I get into the office in the morning but I am at home. I watched the last programme with tears in my eyes hiding from the cruel jibes of my children who find it most amusing when I blubber!!! Loved (and hated) every minute knowing it to be the last and hoping with all my heart it would not be. It will not be the same without you and UKTV Food will find out the hard way what a huge mistake they have made. Good luck in everything you do. I am keeping my fingers crossed that your agent pulls the (easter!) rabbit out of the bag and that you are back with us soon. Thank you for 5 great years. Keeping my ears strained for the chorus……
    Carol xxxxxx

  34. You have brought much laughter into our kitchen,and I have had to stop cooking on more than one occasion to stop the tears .We live in Spain,and my husband works in Blighty a lot, so thanks for keeping my sanity- and if you ever do a food show on Northern Spain give us a visit!
    All the best in everything you do moose woman- Sarah and Phil

  35. Dear Jeni,
    I’m so sorry to see the end of GFL. I first started watching you nearly 4 years ago, when I was at home having just had my first baby. As a bewildered new mum, I’d sit for hours feeding the little bundle, and was so relieved when you arrived on screen and to have something entertaining to watch. By the time she was a few months old, my daughter recognised your voice as if you were a member of the family. You’ve brightened up our days again and again and your presence will genuinely be missed.
    You are a truly unique talent, and I’m so glad to have been able to enjoy so much of the show.
    I look forward to see what you do next.
    Thank you so much for being such a wonderful presence on screen.
    Rachel Kyle x

  36. Hi Jeni. Thankyou for the last five and a half years. We have laughed, cooked and cried, and we have been with you all the way. We feel like the family has all emigrated to Australia, and we might see them again, but we don’t know when. Please come back to us soon so we can all be a happy family again. Good luck in all you do, lots of love to you and all your family. Caroline and Simon. XXX

  37. it seems that as usual the powers that be have lost touch with the people who put them there in the first place – we were happy with GFL and so many people had learnt so much from the programme, I for one wont be watching this supposedly NEW format – not what I want, and I doubt that many other NORMAL people can relate to Ms Ramsey or Mr Parker-Bowles – cant wait to see Jennni when she is snapped up by some enlightened produce who realises that the majority of the daytime tv audience are you and I who loved what she did. Keep your chin up Jenni – we are all rooting for you! xxxx

  38. I knew I would cry – but not right through! Jeni, you have made me laugh and now made me cry – what are we going to do without you? (And GFL, of course). I’ve posted all my comments to the suits – but this is just for you – can’t wait until you’re back on TV somewhere, somehow – how can a TV presenter have such an effect on vast swathes of Europe? Just take this to heart Jen, we loves ya baby!

  39. Jeni,
    My wife and I watched your last show – as we had watched so many times before.
    You are a true professional, and a truly gifted woman…we will miss you, and cannot believe that GFL has come to an end.
    It is clear that your boys really love you, and I am glad they were there to get you through what must have been a very difficult last show.
    I really hope you land an extremely large paying job on a channel of your choice and allow yourself to thumb your nose at those who should have known better!!!
    All respect to you, I just love your style,
    Stephen Haggarty

  40. Jeni, am now watching your highlights and missing you already. My husband adores you and wants to know where and when he can next worship you on TV? Our good wishes for everything you do.

  41. Hi Jeni
    Will it be possible to obtain a copy of the DVD of the last show? I’m mortified that I missed it – we had friends round for dinner – and I thought the last show was next Friday – DOH!
    All the best for the future.

  42. Dear jeni
    Just have to say how much i enjoyed and cried over the last show. We were away in our caravan, and i made my other half drive back home, just to pick up the tape i recorded so i could watch it on the saturday! He realises how much this show meant to me having seen me through some very sad times. Was lovely to see jim and beth. Have a nice long holiday now, you deserve it! With much love and much success for the future. xxxxxxxxxxx

  43. I am crying now reading your page jeni. I am a 39 year old Mum of 2 who loves you! You are such a gorgeous, happy, funny, wonderful lady who has made me laugh on many occasions when i thought that I couldn’t… Thank you. I will miss you x

  44. Hi Jeni, I am 13 years old and my mum and I always watched your show at every possible occasion. I have always been interested in food, but your show reinforced my feelings with warmth and laughter. Good Luck, and I hope to see you on air soon.

  45. Hi Jeni,
    Well done for a magnificant 5 and a half years – i have watched you almost every night on GFL and will miss it immensely. I will miss the laughs and great recepies. I hope that we will see you very soon on another programme because you really lightened up my days, i laughed every day when watching GFL! Very best of luck with everything, hopefully we will hear soon what you are planning to do next.
    Lots of love,

  46. We have just heard the news that you will be back with a new project in the Autumn! We are so very happy to hear this – you have been such a big part of our weekday evenings in Brighton, and we were devastated that UKTV Food had decided to end GFL – so it is with very real joy that we have learned of the good news! We (and rather a few of our friends too) wish you the very best for the future, and for your new project in the Autumn. Ps – come to brighton soon – we have some very nice restaurants and shops and it’s not that far from the cottage… and you have an awful lot of fans here, sweetheart.

  47. Dear Jenni, I have been watching you for 5 years and loved every minute of it. I hated when you were off and the replacements were awful.I saw the website been promoted at the BBC Food Show at the NEC Birmingham.I am devastated that you are axed.I wish you the very best of luck in whatever direction your career will take you.I cried with you last Friday Thank you for your humour ,fun ,wit and entertainment. Please let us know when you resurrect. We love you —plus Jim and Bee

  48. I have recorded the last programme but have not yet had the courage to watch it. I have signed the petition and left comments. I do hope you are back on our screens very quickly Jeni. I met you on Great Food Live when you had a live audience and you were so lovely and natural and came over exactly as you were on the show – bubbly, zany & very friendly. I wish you the best of times on your sabbatical and know it will only be a short while before you are snapped up again. You deserve a break – enjoy and see you soon.

  49. Hi Jeni,
    I’m sorry I am late in sending you my comments. I would just like to say that I shall miss GFL so much. The show has taught me so much and never failed to entertain me. I am perplexed at its passing. Despite the official line there were no copycat shows. It remained unique.
    I wish you well for the future and hope to be laughing with you all again soon.

  50. Dear Jeni
    I can’t believe that I won’t be watching you every day. I feel as if I have lost a friend. I loved watching GFL and like many others often ended up watching it twice. Even Bob, my husband enjoyed GFL and we both had tears in our eyes last Friday, particularly when Jim came in. What are they thinking off axing such a lovely programme. Let’s hope they see sense and reinstate you in your rightful position bossing all those lovely chefs about!!
    I am going to miss you soooo much – I have loved laughing with you – the programme was never the same without you. If you are ever in Sussex pop in for a chat and a cuppa. I suppose I’ll have to settle for repeats now until you are back on screen.
    Lots of love to a lovely lady.
    Jenny Blanchard

  51. Thanks Jeni and all the GFL team for a great culinary experience over the years.
    You will be missed by us in Australia. Jeni you always got the accent spot on.
    My best regards to you all

  52. Dear Jeni
    I, like so many others, will miss you and the Great Food Live chefs/guests. You certainly were the hostess with the mostess!
    I loved the show (when I was able to bribe the children not to watch cartoons) and learnt lots of information from it.
    I also enjoyed the opportunity to sit in the audience too. I just couldn’t get over how tiny you are!! I think it was National Veg Day/Week and we all had to hold up veggies. I held a leek and Simon Rimmer gave me a right funny look!
    Anyway, good luck for the future and I truly hope some other clever TV channel snaps up you and the programme format very soon.
    Best wishes
    Sharon Turner

  53. Hi Jeni
    Melinda from Melbourne Australia, I am sitting here watching one of your last shows on GFL, I only realised the other day you were going off air I love the show & you, you truly are a shining star. Will miss your glowing smile & quick wit.
    Can’t believe the take the good shows off & leave the rubbish hope you will be back on tv some day soon, & i hope whatever you do you make it back on Aussie tv also all the best for the future.

  54. I have watched Jeni for many years, and along with half the nation, was aghast when they axed the show.However, I hope there is an even bigger and better opportunity for her round the corner, as I am certain there will be, presenters like her do not come along very often, and someone will realise that.
    I live in a small village in the west of Scotland, and I do not know anyone who did not watch her show, she was a tonic to all her viewers. Haste ye back Jeni.

  55. from one mole left breaster to another, only got to know you whilst off sick from work 2 years ago,thought at first you were the most annoying woman ever but you so grew on me, i guess all good things must end, take care

  56. Hi, Jen I have been watching you for years, well 5 years…I am a stay at home Mum downunder…you brightened my every day! I cannot believe they axed the show…? How could GFL get stale or old if that was their reasoning? Obviously it’s the person who decided it is stale and old…bloody wanker…anyways I agree with the comments above, you should get snapped up by another channel, I’d like to see you with your own talk show, uncensoured of course…I must also say I too have a mole on my left boob, but nowadays, due to gravity you cant quite see it like you used to…wishing you well and I will definitely watch this space!
    take care!

  57. Just a quick note wishing you the best – you’re an inspiration. I love GFL, and can’t believe it’s over. Thank God for cable and reruns, so I can still get my fix.

  58. JeniI have watched you on GFL on Australian TV for the last 2 years never missed a show.I have just finished watching the last show and it was great. Especially when Jim and your Daughter came on.I guess all good things must come to a end.Take care and hope to see you on aussie Tv again in the near future.

  59. April 20th just watched your last show, (yes very delyaed in Australia) fabulous made me cry will miss you & the show Jenni best wishes from Melinda Australia

  60. Hello Jeni,
    I was so surprised to find GFL was shutting shop, I have been searching for a righteous reason, to no avail, it seems a senseless decision on someones behalf, but not mine. You are a truly irreplaceable sparkily star, rare in TV land. I am hoping you return to foodie TV, I love all things food and you made it even more loveable, so I will miss you and the GFL co. Hopefully whatever your next move, it will be accessable to Australian viewers. Best wishes to you and yours, happy holidays. Mickie.

  61. Jeni,
    You don’t even know how much cheer you brought to people’s lives. You made the show. Where are you gong to next? I’ll be watching.

  62. Hi jeni and jim and family If you can bare it look on the message boards on uktv food, your extended family are right behind you.
    Theres just not any other presenter that is out there that can pull of a show like gfl but you.
    You and your interaction with all the chefs be they well known or not, your show re-ignited my passion for cooking because it was interesting informitive but most of all fun.
    I could have been down the pub friday nights drinking but i had an appointment with your show,by the way how is ollie.
    Good luck for the future jeni and im sure i speak for many many of your loyal viewers when i say please come back soon

  63. Hello jeni
    We have been watching your wonderful show here in Australia for a while now and will miss you and your extended family very much. Look forward to maybe seeing you again. I personally have learnt a lot, and we are now more adventuraous.

  64. Why has this brilliant programme ended. My husband and I love it and watch every evening after we have put our son to bed. We don’t know what we will do now!! Please bring it back!

  65. i loved watching you on the show every day. GFL was the ultimate foodie programme, with just the right balance of everything: humour and sillyness, foodie news and real issues, and recipes that you could really get your teeth into. i rarely missed a show, and it helped me find my foodie feet when i was off to uni for the first time.
    when the day came i poured myself a large glass of wine, steeled myself and watched the last show, and boy, what a waste of mascara! i blubbed from begining to end, and then watched it repeated a couple of days later and blubbed some more! i will sorely miss the show.
    i havent (and wont ever be convinced to) watched MK, what would be the point, it could never compete with GFL.
    thank you for five fabulous years of food and of course, fun. i really hope to see you presenting a live cookery show soon, because theres a jeni shaped hole on tv where GFL used to be! GFL always managed to cheer me up, no matter what mood i was in.
    thank you

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