The blame game.

Finger pointing in the White House, what a waste of time. Blaming and shaming, what a waste of energy. Trump and his cohorts played a clever game. The American electorate were not interested in a philosophical debate about abortions or societal changes they wanted a few extra spondulicks and a mouthpiece that spat out gristle. They have got what they wanted a fat, rich bastard who kicks sand in the faces of his adversaries.

When resources are scarce people stay with their own, it takes human generosity to think of others when your table is bare. ‘Each to their own’, ‘I’m alright Jack’, it’s making your country great again at the expense of everybody around you. How strange it is when we all come from Adam and Eve, or is it only when it suits.

Europe veering to the right, our very own Tory party adopting policies that twenty years ago would have been seen as abhorrent. We are going through a reshape, a reset, and my how painful it is. Like a forest burning down before new green shoots can appear. So how do we manage the changes. How do we disentangle the fear and anxiety. Good old clichés are pulled out of the pack now. ‘Staying in the moment’. Believing that out of the ashes a new world will emerge. ‘Love thy fellow man’. ‘Stop pointing the finger and take personal responsibility’. We can all see the hypocrisy before our very eyes and may of us feel a sense of powerless, but somehow we have to hang onto a sanity and know that in the end the truth will out. In the end Trump will reveal exactly what he’s really like – that he could care less about his millions of charges. That Trump is in it for himself and that sooner or later he will reveal his misguided vision.
Although I don’t know that. I don’t know that he’s not going to make a success of American politics and that the USA will become the home of freedom and liberty. I don’t know that Trump and his billionaire fogeys aren’t going to make a huge success of 2025 and beyond. I don’t know that but what I do know is that in the mean time I have to hold onto the notion that things get worse before they get better.
We are in a health crisis, the world needs healing and I’m not sure that Trump is the practitioner that can pull it off. But what do I know? What do any of us know? Would be great to have certainties but that aint gonna happen. Having faith that something good can come out of this is both naive and totally necessary.

As the world teeters and speculation is rife, I have to trust that good will outweigh evil. That sooner than later the populace will realise that fiscal pantomimes doth not make for a happy life. Tariffs and tantrums do not make for a healthy society, only people and their daily intercourse with each other make for a robust community.

We teach our children to share, at what point does that stop!? At what point do we teach our children to hide their apples and only play with a subsection of kids. At what point do we throw away decency in favour for the few. If philosophical debate is abandoned, if everybody knows the price of everything but the value of nothing, if culture and craftsmanship is abandoned for flat pack living, if communal activities are dumped in favour of individualistic fulfilment, if drilling and oil and gas and cows are designed for instant gratification then what?
Fires and floods, havoc and chaos, we need help into the next phase. If Trump can do that then all well and good, but if he can’t then what? Where do we go from here?

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