Carpe effing diem

I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am no longer who I was. For 75 years I did what I wanted when I wanted to. I ate what I wanted I slept when I wanted I walked and danced and hustled my way through a busy, working life. And then in … Read more

Now what?

So a bloke wrote to me saying what a waste of NHS resources I am, and why didn’t I listen to them the first time round. He has a point. It’s only been three months since I was in hospital last, and this time the stakes got even higher. I didn’t take on board that … Read more

The blame game.

Finger pointing in the White House, what a waste of time. Blaming and shaming, what a waste of energy. Trump and his cohorts played a clever game. The American electorate were not interested in a philosophical debate about abortions or societal changes they wanted a few extra spondulicks and a mouthpiece that spat out gristle. … Read more

Getting old is not for cissies.

I’m not alone in feeling the enormity of Trumps victory. It was the last thing I needed what with the grey clouds and soggy damp. The alarm went off this morning at 7.30 and I climbed out of bed bent double with the realisation of the American dream. I’d stayed up till 3.30 but the … Read more