Over the River Uck

I did thirty minutes kundalini yoga at 7.00a.m. ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO -easy for you to say. Then I climbed into the bath and listened to the news, baby bubbles tickling my submerged body. Given the nature of the news; refugees, sinking dinghies, homeless children, famines and greedy arseholes who’s money is predicated on … Read more


It’s Thursday so it must be Hastings. I climbed into the car wearing trainers over Peter the Rigger’s socks. He loaned them to me yesterday when I got frost bite in my toes. I pulled up my heavy duty blue dungarees and pulled over a thick blue woollen sweater, over which was my trusty old … Read more

Norman’s Bay

On with my walking boots and sox; my James Dean trousers that I bought in 1995 for Jim’s performance as Launce at the Globe – him and his dog stole the show – a pink sweater to match me kecks and a fancy puffer jacket. You never know what’s on offer on a November day … Read more


JIM: ‘Do you think the sun is lower?’ Mother and daughter and dog MOTHER: ‘Yes.’ With an upward inflection like in ‘Neighbours.’ ME: ‘I feel like I’m listing to the right?’ In the interest of democratic conversation we’ll have the daughter speak. DAUGHTER: ‘Really?’ With a downward inflection like in ‘East Enders’ ME: It must … Read more


So after two weeks of abominable pain, the jaw bone, though intermittently spiteful, was significantly more bearable. So after a zoom meet with my writing partner in South Africa, I put some lipstick on, clean woolly wear against the cold, and off we set. Driving through the countryside was like travelling through a Harris tweed … Read more