The Scream.

I drove to Ashdown Forest. Just me, in my little red car. A smattering of East Sussex drivers,driving slowly in well maintained old cars. My irritation started to bubble. ‘MOOOOOOVE’ I shouted. I felt a stirring. I was driving to the middle of a forest, which is populated by walkers and dogs. I thought I … Read more

Marching against the windbag.

Roman Road, in the Ashdown Forest, was hard soiled. My Nordic Poles couldn’t smash through the ice. The leaves crinkled and the sun so low I couldn’t really see the view, which was tweedy brown and gorse yellow. My wooly gloves were of no use, but my four layers of fleeces, sweaters and armless puffiness … Read more

nine days in

There are days and then there are days. The rain tap-danced on my hood, I was zipped up, only my face peering out at the bare trees. The mud stuck to my Wellington boots, my glasses foggy with the drizzle. I could have knocked into the new neighbours, or even the old neighbours, but decided … Read more